We are pleased to offer a limited number of bursaries to support teachers facing financial barriers to attend the APPC 2024. Each bursary will provide a 50% discount on the full-conference-attendance registration fee.
Bursary applications are open to young teachers, teachers from regional areas and teachers facing financial disadvantage.
Applicants must be Australian residents and over 18 years of age.
How to Apply
Applicants are required to submit a statement outlining the need for the bursary, including the learning outcomes and benefits the applicant aspires to achieve by attending APPC 2024, as well as details of a referee who would support the application.
We encourage established teachers to consider younger, regional, and disadvantaged colleagues, who might benefit from this limited offer to attend APPC 2024!
Closing Date
While there is no closing date for applications, we recommend that those interested apply before March 31, 2024. Particularly as this is when the Early Bird Discount for full conference attendance will lapse and full conference pricing will begin.
Applications are now open. Access the application form via the following link: